Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SNR (not audio)
From: Matthew Yee-King (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 19:44:52 EEST
In defence of this list, I've been on it for around 6 months now. There have been lots of informative discussions on a wide range of linux audio issues, everything from cleaning up recordings of old 78's through how to install low latency kernel patches on to how to set up this sound card or that midi interface.
There are lots of developers on this list too, some of whom have helped me get software running by personal email.
Theough using linux audio, i have learnt a lot about linux in general as much as anything else, and this list has been a great information resource.
Yes theres been some flaming recently, and that can get a bit negative/ pointless and boring. You can always just delete the mails.
as for must have apps, when i was doing more audio work (working full time at the mo :( ) i was into SSM, audacity, RTSynth and PD. As for pitffalls, be aware that you'll probably have to get your hands dirty to get your system going how you want. The other things you mentioned have been discussed much before (esp quiet pcs, muttitrack). Since this area of linux moves really quickly, its always worth bringing up these topics again...
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:31:14 -0400
"Malsky, Ken" <> wrote:
> I have quite a bit of experience with digital audio software and a fair
> amount of experience with Linux (& other Unices). I stumbled across this
> group thinking I might learn something.
> Unfortunately, in the few days I've been on the list, about all I've learned
> is that some of the people working with audio on Linux are
> snob-geek-weenies, some are thin-skinned-newbie-weenies and the ones just
> trying to do something musical (while having time left over to have a life)
> are having a tough go of it.
> Does anyone want to talk about must-have apps or warn of pitfalls? Can we
> discuss multi-channel techniques or a successful tube model or a
> well-received performance or how to keep fans & drives quiet in the studio?
> Throw me a bone! There are lots of other places where I can hear
> open-source frontier flaming. Is this list always this bad?
> - Ken
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