Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SNR (not audio)
From: Richard Seymour (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 19:51:11 EEST
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:31:14 -0400
"Malsky, Ken" <> wrote:
> Does anyone want to talk about must-have apps or warn of pitfalls?
> Can we discuss multi-channel techniques or a successful tube model
> or a well-received performance or how to keep fans & drives quiet in
> the studio? Throw me a bone! There are lots of other places where I
> can hear open-source frontier flaming. Is this list always this
> bad?
> - Ken
One bone that I've been seeing online is the Shuttle brand Small Form
Factor PCs (or XPCs), you have to homebuild them, but the latest has
SPDIF optical in/out built in, and 1 PCI and 1 AGP, plus firewire and
USB 2.0. Key here being that it's just a little bit bigger than one
of those Mac cubes.
Key thing being the noise. It's supposedly extremely quiet. probably has more info on it. The machine itself
can be seen here:
It's pretty slick looking, and can be had pretty cheap. I'd like to
set up one with a hammerfall card. But that probably won't happen
till 2003. There are also all sorts of modifications you can make to
your current PC to lower th dB level. The best is probably changing
the power supply and the fan/heatsink combo on your processor(s).
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