Subject: [linux-audio-user] RE: SNR (much increased)
From: Malsky, Ken (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 22:53:53 EEST
> Throw me a bone! There are lots of other places where I can hear
> open-source frontier flaming. Is this list always this bad?
-- led to --
> But if you jump out of the bushes
> with your flamethrower in "Burn !!"-mode
> excpect to go up in flames, along with the bushes ;)
Sorry. First think, then type. Got it. 8~p
> This usually happens at this time of year and around New Years.
This makes sense. Many people have more time to chat than usual.
> I maintain the Linux Soundapps pages on the Web (see sig). I've also
> written a book about Linux sound & music applications (see sig again)
> ...
> If you want to start a new thread you are more than welcome.
> If you want to start a new thread you are more than welcome.
Thank you. I do believe I will :-)
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