Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Room noise + acoustics (was: SNR (not audio)
From: X the Owl (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 16:10:59 EEST
On Tue, 30 Jul
2002, Steve Harris wrote:
> Anyone know anythning about simple+cheap acoustic treatment, or Free room
> modelling software for UNIX? The new studio is 3.94m x 3.53m (almost
> square) and has high ceilings, so I'm concerned about the resonances.
I've had some success building bass traps with fiberglass
insulation and common
garden lattice covered with auralex type foam/egg crate. you put the
lattice in a
corner (or two) so that with the two walls it forms and Isosceles(sp?)
triangle with a height of two and a half feet or so. fill behind it
with fiberglass insulation and cover the front with the acoustic foam. the
acoustic foam is really just there to make it look pretty and deal with
some of the high frequencies in the room. It's not strictly necessary.
It's sort of non-scientific, and basically functions on the principle of
soaking up as much of the bass frequencies in the corners as possible with
a big wad of fiberglass, but it's cheap and in my experience can greatly
improve the sound of a room for not a whole bunch of money.
-- /+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\-/+\ - You can pretend we're not here. That's what I do.
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