Subject: [linux-audio-user] XSteem fun
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 00:47:20 EEST
I've just spent a very amusing half-hour playing with XSteem, the X
window version of the Steem Engine Atari ST emulator. I had read that it
now supported MIDI I/O via /dev/midi so I gave it a shot with a
(legally!) downloaded version of M (anyone remember M?). Wow, it worked
! It's a little strange to figure out, but once I had it configured
properly its performance was about as good as the old M/pc, Voyetra's
version of M for Windows 2.0 (!).
Incidentally, I was once able to run M/pc under DOSemu, but I've been
unable to figure how to set up the latest versions of DOSemu to get M/pc
to open at all. When it did work it was pretty impressive: Voyetra did a
good job with M/pc, giving it nice full-screen color display.
Weird, what you can do with Linux... ;-)
Btw, if you're interested in XSteem you can check it out here:
Next up: checking out the latest Squeak Smalltalk 80 environment (with
interesting sound support)...
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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