[linux-audio-user] playing chords to help practise improvisation

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] playing chords to help practise improvisation
From: Peter Jay Salzman (p_AT_dirac.org)
Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 04:43:30 EET

hi all,

i just started to play around with jazz improv. what would be really
useful is if i can define a set of chord changes:

Dm7 G7 Em7 A7 Am7 D7 Abm7 Db9

and have my computer play it over and over again so i can improvise over
the key changes. it would be great if...

it can loop: so i don't have to record the progression 100 times if i
want to play around with this 100 times.

the timing can change wildly: i can't really do much at the speed which
i normally play "satan doll". the chords come too fast. and it's hard
playing chords unnaturally slow (although i suppose that might be a good
thing to practise).

there were some kind of quarter note percussion that gives me a beat so
know when the chord is about to change.

it doesn't need to sound good at all. my improv should sound good. ;)

is there an app i can use for this purpose?


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