[linux-audio-user] RME 96/8 Pad on RH8

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] RME 96/8 Pad on RH8
From: Reuben Martin (MartinR_AT_jbu.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 00:27:15 EET

Hello all,

I'm just now putting together my first linux box and need somebody to hold
my hand and walk me through the setup of my sound card. (BTW if there is
already a thread on this that I didn't catch on my quick search of the list
archives, please point me to it.)

I'm currently using a RME 96/8 PAD on a RH8 distro. I installed the alsa
packages available from freshrpms.net. After getting everything installed I
started up alsamixer and the only controls available is a volume control for
the DAC. Please tell me that I'm missing something and that there is much
more control functionality available than just levels for the DAC. Shouldn't
I have at least some sort of controls for the digital IOs and the ADAT? Is
there some sort of fancy config I need to do in /etc/asoundrc? Have I missed
something in configuration of devices, subdevices, some package not
installed etc?

Also, (slightly off topic) this card is very picky about the buffer settings
(i.e. fixed buffersize of 64KBytes). I know what settings work when setting
number of periods and frame size, but how do I work that out when programs
only let you set the buffer size in units of time rather than actual size?

Any help is appreciated.


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