Re: [linux-audio-user] new computer woes

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] new computer woes
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 11:52:09 EET

On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 07:19:13 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:
> The other 'issue', if you will, is that I'm trying to get this all
> set up to really be usable as my main machine and not just a DAW. If I
> start jack as root, then when I try to run alsaplayer as a normal user
> it doesn't connect. I presume that when I start jack as a normal user
> that I cannot get real-time response, so maybe the clicks and pops will
> be more likely to happen, and they do.

Yes, thats right, but using the jackstart program provied in Planet CCRMA
you can run jackd as a normal user.
> I want to click on icons for mp3 and wave files and get sound. If I'm
> running jack, I need to start alsaplayer one way, and if I'm not I need
> to start alsaplayer another way. Therefore my file associations have to
> change, based on whether jack is running or not. Not good.

Try creating a shell script, eg /usr/local/bin/run-alsaplayer:

---- cut -----
alsaplayer -o jack $* || alsaplayer $*
---- cut -----

then do:

# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/run-alsaplayer

Then set that as the association, it will try to run under jack, then if
that fails fall back to alsa.

> Again, I'm having great luck with running jack and Ardour as root. No
> xruns at all, as for as I've noticed.

I haven't really used jackstart much, but when I did it dodn't seem to
give me such solid performance, but that was a while ago, so maybe there
was a bug.

Running all our audio apps as root isn't really a good long term

- Steve

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