Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Best CD Burners for DAE in Linux
From: Roger Williams (
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 03:45:37 EET
>>>>> Terry Ewing <> writes:
> If anyone can offer suggestions in the form of first hand
> experience, or pointers to good sources of info I'd appreciate it.
We use CDR drives professionally for DAE (digital audio extraction)
and writing session discs for clients; and in my experience we've
discovered (sometimes the hard way) that we won't recommend anything
but a Plextor drive. Even Yamaha drives haven't provided the same
reliable, error-free operation.
When it comes to DAE, most readers don't even correctly use error
correction. And few (if any) other drives extract CDDA as quickly as
they do digital data.
I can't offer advice on ATAPI (or USB -- shudder) drives, but I
wouldn't trade our 12/10/32S drives for anything but the new
PlexWriter 40/12/40S...
-- Roger Williams <> Qux Tool & Die, Middleborough, Massachusetts // Omne tulit punctum qui misquit utile dulci //
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