Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] A level meter to test
From: Guy Daniel CLOTILDE (
Date: Tue Jan 07 2003 - 13:34:30 EET
I tried it. It's a little bit unstable (the config window sometimes disappears) but useable.
But is there a way or a plan to make it work the same way as vumeter (based on esd). I mean a stand-alone app, simply listening to audio input or output?
I record actually with ecasound, but really miss a nice vu-meter app to see the peaks. Actually, I use a pipe between nrecord (wav record with ncurses vu-meter) and lame (translate the wav in mp3 immediatly). If anyone is interested by the details, email-me. It works very well, but I don't like the ncurses look.
BTW, replacing nrecord with arecord+ameter in my script break the pipe and hang up the sound device. First I can't close the ameter window (with icewm as a wm) and I must do a ctrl+C in the aterm invoking ameter (arecord -D ameter | lame -r -m m something.mp3). I can't launch it a second time, or try a "aplay something.wav", it complains that the snd_pcm_open failed.
Even if I restart alsasound, no way... I have to reboot to make the sound work as usual!
my set:
mdk 8.2 + alsa 0.9rc6
Guy CLO.
On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 23:08:01 +0100
Laurent Georget <> wrote / a écrit:
> Hello!
> There is a new level meter called "ameter" : it is an
> Alsa plugin and is intended to be usable with all Linux
> audio programs that don't have meters, and that cannot connect to
> Jack/Meterbridge. Examples : Glame, Mplayer...
> Details and download here:
> Thanks for testing and reporting problems .
> Laurent
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