Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] anyone using hdsp cardbus
From: Roger Williams (
Date: Sat Jan 11 2003 - 16:34:18 EET
>>>>> Brian Redfern <> writes:
> I'm checking out my options for doing high quality audio with my
> new linux laptop, and I read about hammerfall's pcmcia interface
> to their dsp system and I'm wondering what people's experiences
> have been.
For some time, I've been using the PCI card with a Digiface in the
studio as a front end to outboard 24/96 converters. About three
months ago I bought the Cardbus card to see if I could put together a
reasonably compact field recording rig.
On the whole, my experiences with it have been quite favourable.
Running on a 2.4.20 kernel with Andrew Morton's low-latency patches,
JACK and the ALSA HDSP driver have been very stable and trouble-free.
I've been using ecasound to capture 2-6 tracks to an external Firewire
drive, and have never had a glitch or xrun during recording.
(I've been experimenting with Ardour in the studio, but I don't think
I'd use it for live recording yet...)
The BIG limitation for me is that 96k sampling rates aren't accessible
through the Cardbus interface. Perhaps Paul can comment on how
difficult he expects this bug will be to fix. Also, the ALSA driver
doesn't support external sync for either the PCI or Cardbus interfaces.
-- Roger Williams <> Qux Tool & Die, Middleborough, Massachusetts // Omne tulit punctum qui misquit utile dulci //
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