Subject: [linux-audio-user] feedback using usb-audio and mdk 9.0
From: iriXx (
Date: Sun Jan 12 2003 - 01:41:02 EET
i've now reinstalled mandrake 9.0 and successfully got audio running,
but the sound quality is heavily distorted. it can't be a usb mouse
conflict, as patrick suggested, as i am not running any other usb
devices concurrently with my quattro - i only have one usb port on my
thinkpad 600E.
does anyone have any idea what may be causing this? it seems very
strange as everything worked fine with tarball alsa 0.9.rc5 and mandrake
8.2 - i'm now using the supplied rpm versions of alsa with mandrake 9.0
- i prefer to use the tarballs, but in this case i have
decided to stick with the supplied rpms to avoid conflicts as happened
earlier. i'm also currently installing kevin ernste's turnkey linux
audio system.
thanks in advance
-- iriXx www.iriXx.orgcopyleft: creativity, technology and freedom?
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