Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] VST plugins and linux
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 17:45:31 EET
Steve Harris wrote:
> Can you explain what you mean by "toggles for randomized parameters".
As in "a tiny toggle switch to randomize parameters". The dfx_Transverb
is a nice example. I don't think it's doing anything fancy, it's just a
neat way of instantly shuffling parameter values.
> > also supports MIDI, which I believe is a problem for LADSPA (Taybin?).
> Yes. XAP is supposed to address this (at an abstract level), I believe
> that explicit MIDI support ala VSTi is a serious mistake.
I know this subject has been extensively chewed on LAD but perhaps you
can summarize for normal users why it's a bad idea or implementation. I
imagine the MIDI + VST arrangement is quite popular with Win/Mac
musicians. Those musicians coming into Linux might wonder "Why no MIDI
with LADSPA plugins?" (though of course XAP should work to make 'em
happy ;).
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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