Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] tapiir anyone?
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 05:30:15 EET
Michal Seta wrote:
> > or you could port it to a modern fltk and do us all a favour :)
> I wish, oh, how I wish... If I could I would even jackify it.
> ... but I'm _just_ a musician.
Me too, but...
Change this line in the tapir-1.6
AC_CHECK_LIB(fltk,numericsort,,AC_MSG_ERROR("missing fltk"))
to this:
AC_CHECK_LIB(fltk,fl_numericsort,,AC_MSG_ERROR("missing fltk"))
Then run autoconf to generate a new configure file.
Now add this line to src/Mixer.cxx (might not be necessary, I'm
compiling under GCC 2.96) :
#include "math.h"
Now you should be able to compile Tapiir against FLTK 1.1.2 and ALSA
I've built it but not tested it. I'm not maintaining Tapiir so someone
else can jackify it.
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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