Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] The missing link
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 13:54:10 EET
Hi, hat gesagt: // wrote:
> I always give my best effort before bothering anyone on this list. I
> just can't find the missing peice.
> Here's the situation:
> I create sequence tracks in jazz. Then I record live tracks in
> ecasound while the midi file plays via timidiy. The problem is that
> jazz plays from the sound card and timidity can only play .pat files. I
> create a lush sounding recording in jazz and when I play it with
> timidity, it sounds weak. Appeartenly, ecasound only supports playing
> midi files via timidiy. And timidiy can't access the sounds on the sound
> card.
> (3) Is there a program that converts .sf2 to .pat. If so, then when I
> play midi files with timidity, they will sound like what I created with
> jazz.
If I understand you correctly, then you are using in Jazz the
SF2-midisynth of your soundcard (a Soundblaster probably) and you like
the results, but when you record, you don't record your soundcards
output but what timidity renders, right?
So basically you don't like the rendering of timimidity, but you like
the rendering of your soundcard. There are several ways to solve this,
but "Jack" isn't necessary for this.
* Record your soundcard's output. This may need a second soundcard
or external recording gear.
* Use a software soundfont synthesizer. I think, timidity can also use
soundfonts, but personally I use iiwusynth. This would work with
your current setup, because you can configure ecasound to use another
synth in ~/.ecasoundrc at:
ext-timidity-cmd = timidity -Or1S -id -s %s -o - %f
This can be replaced with your favorite synth.
* Use another sequencer. This is basically the same a solution two,
but for example MusE comes with iiwusynth build in.
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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