Re: [linux-audio-user] The missing link

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] The missing link
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 23:31:20 EET

Chris Cannam <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> I was learning Rosegarden (according to the installer notes it's
>> version 2.1pl3-257) [...] I probly have an old version of
>> Rosegarden (although I have the latest SuSE).
>It's not so much that you have an old version, as that you have
>a rather different program altogether.
>Generally when anyone on this list refers to Rosegarden they're
>likely to be talking about Rosegarden-4, which is a newer and far
>more sophisticated application that doesn't even have much code in
>common with Rosegarden-2.1.


>but it should compile out-of-the-box on SuSE 8.1 (the majority of
>core Rosegarden developers use SuSE).

Being (still somewhat) new to all this, I'm not sure if this is off limits. But I will take a chance. I want to say that SuSE has proven to be a really exellent distrob for Multimedia. And it has consistantly delivered what it promises (when you install a program, it useually works right). Any problems I've had running programs have come from lack of experience.

Did I just start a Religious war with that statement?

> You may need to install
>the odd extra package but nothing that isn't on the SuSE CDs.


Great information. I guess you've helped "soften me up" about the biggest part of trying out new (or newer versions of) programs (the compiling headeachs).

I'm sure I will eventually download it and get it going. I have so many other progams that I'm trying out right now though.


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