Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] alsa +laptop +performance
From: Emiliano Grilli (
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 11:26:53 EET
> Hi, I am looking to install alsa on a laptop along with something
> for more reasonable sound such as a Roland ua-20.
> I was wondering if anyone had successfully done something similar
> or knew of any information resources?
Don't know about the ua-20, but I use the SC-D70 (for which audio
support was recently added thanks to Clemens Ladisch) and the griffin
imic, both using the snd-usb-audio module.
I'm not yet able to run jack with them (maybe it's my incompetence),
but apart from that, playback and recording works perfectly with imic;
the SC-D70 driver that Clemens wrote uses a sample format different
from the one that many applications (especially oss apps) expect:
S24_3LE, instead of the more common S16_LE, so you have to specify it
to arecord on the command line (I'm sure there is a way in .asoundrc
to convert the sample format, but I don't know how - maybe a slave?).
Speaking of MIDI, it works perfectly on the SC-D70.
I think the best thing you can do is try the device before buying
it (if you can), or find someone that has one.
-- .---------------------. | Emiliano Grilli | | | | Linux user #209089 | '---------------------'
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