Subject: [linux-audio-user] [ANNOUNCE] tapiir-0.7.0
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 15:33:33 EET
I just released a new version of tapiir. Tapiir now supports jack.
Tapiir can be found at
Tapiir is a simple and flexible audio effects processor, inspired on
the classical magnetic tape delay systems used since the early days
of electro-acoustic music composition. It provides a graphical user
interface consisting of six delay lines, or "taps", which can
introduce an almost arbitrarily big or small delay to their inputs
and can be feed back to each other.
A wide set of effects can be easily achieved by properly configuring
and connecting the delay lines: complex echo patterns, resonances,
filtering, etc. Delays, interconnections and gains can all be
controlled in real time.
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