Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] new to linux audio
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 12:11:37 EET
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 10:19:07 +0100, Christophe Vescovi wrote:
> When reading articles on low-latency linux, xruns are often mentionned
> but I can not figure what it exactly means, could someone explain me
> that -surely- simple thing ?
Its when the software can't keep up with the soundcard and misses a block
of data, it usually causes a click. AKA overrun.
Its generaly cased by schedualling latency, ie. the time it takes the
kernel to switch between processes. This is what the low-latency patches
> The other question is about jack. Does Jack enable synchronisation
> between HD recorder (ecasound, ardour) and midi sequencer (Muse for
> example) ? I saw something about the transport feature of jack, but does
> not know exactly what it does.
That is what its for, but I'm not sure how completely its implemented in
the apps. Ecasound has a pretty complete implementyation IIRC.
- Steve
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