Subject: [linux-audio-user] VIA-82xx driver broken in alsa driver release 0.9 rc7
From: Gustavo Zamorano S. (
Date: Sun Mar 02 2003 - 17:56:28 EET
I visited today the ALSA project site to check if a new ALSA driver is
available. I am currently working with Alsa driver 0.9 rc6 and my sound
card is a VIA-8233. It is working fine.
A newer driver 0.9 rc7 is available since last Feb, 17th.
I found a note at the end of the following page that says that VIA-82xx
driver is broken in 0.9 rc7:
It recommend us to stay with rc6.
Please take note.
Do we have to wait for rc8 to have it fixed?
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