Subject: [linux-audio-user] Capturing audio
From: Levi Burton (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 22:39:01 EET
I am currently doing some stuff with rosegarden and digital audio. I have a
composition which is a mixture of MIDI and audio. What I would like to do is
"capture" incoming and outgoing sound.
For example, the audio in rosegarden is sent to jack, which I assume is then
sent to my pcm playback device. My MIDI stuff is an external synth going
into my pcm input device (using my "line in"). I can hear my synth through my
line in mixer setting, and I can hear the digital audio in rosegarden through
my pcm mixer setting. What I want to do is route all of these signals to a
another program that can record them, if that is possible. Is there some way
I can tell jack to "listen to my line in and my pcm out, then route that to
something else".
-- Levi Burton
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