Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] visual to audio
From: Gustavo Zamorano S. (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 23:46:04 EET
I am animating images with the command "animate" that comes with the RPM
file ImageMagick...
I have being able to have a big lowercase "e" spinning when I get new
emails. My program that checks for new emails runs a shell script that
executes animate bige.gif. bige.gif is a file that has 12 images of a
"e" in 3D in different positions rotating....
I created bige.gif using the command "convert" from the 12 jpg files.
It is also included in ImageMagik.
No sound at all, of course!...
matthew yee-king wrote:
> Hello there
> does anyone know of a tool that lets you convert visual images to sounds
> (or better still, video)? i guess pd+externals can do it??
> cheers
> matthew
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