Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] snd freezes when recording
From: Ralf Haller (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 22:15:01 EET
Hi Ivan,
that's not the case here. Trying record with snd on a freshly booted
system still freezes snd...
Ivan Z. Ganza wrote:
>Hi Ralf,
>I have had the same problem with the snd program that you describe.
>This seems to be caused when the soundcard is already opened by
>another program.
>Make sure nothing else has opened the soundcard.
>Ralf Haller <> writes:
>>Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>>when I try to record with snd by selecting record in the file menu,
>>>>the record window opens but freezes without properly displaying the
>>>>controls. Recording with other tools like sweep works without any
>>>>I am using RedHat 8.0 and installed the kernel and alsa drivers
>>>>from planet ccrma.
>>>>Any clues?
>>>What soundcard are you using?
>>>-- Fernando
>>It's a Philips PCA721AF based on the Opti 82C925 sound chip...
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