Subject: [linux-audio-user] Audio file format
From: Robert Epprecht (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 21:16:44 EEST
I have found a CD with audio files and would like to know what format
they are. (I know very little about different audio formats, sorry.)
The label on the CD says they are MP3, but the files have names like
1.wav 2.wav
mp3blaster 1.wav Bad sound file format.
cp 1.wav /tmp/1.mp3
mp3blaster /tmp/1.mp3 Sound device control error.
play 1.wav playing 1.wav
('play' plays the file and considering it's duration it is much too long
to be a normal .wav file, IMHO)
file 1.wav
1.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft ADPCM, mono 44100 Hz
I thought WAVE was a format without compression? The duration of the files
(when played by 'play') shows that this is not possible. So what is it?
BTW: The file (loaded like a text file in emacs ;-) starts with
RIFFBä^BWAVEfmt 2 (where ^B is *one* byte)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge,
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