Subject: [linux-audio-user] Re: linux box as megaphone?
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 19:11:33 EEST
Richard Hammond wrote:
> hey dave, could you suggest the simplest method of relaying mic input
> directly to the speaker output (in real time), thus creating the effect of
> a megaphone?
> ive been trying to find linux software for this for ages...
> its an es1371 sound card on 2.4
Hi Richard,
There must be a way... My SBLive Value can do it directly via the
alsamixer, but my PCI128 (same as yours, I think) doesn't have that
route. I've sent this reply to the LAU list, maybe someone there knows
how to do it ?
Best regards,
== dp
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