Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Recording from SB Live Drive
From: Francisco Oltra (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 00:59:46 EEST
On this matter, does anyone know if there's some way to clean this up?,
lots of controls i'm never gonna touch (don't have the live drive
either). Every time i have to start recording something had time swim
in the gamix,alsamixer mess. In Alsamixer you selects capture with space bar
on the input (line ) control you choose. This is, IMO, shorter.
I guess, to make setup for a rec session shorter, one has to do some scripting
whith amixer commands.
On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, Paul Perkins wrote:
> Yes, I can't believe how ugly the SBLive mixing interface looks in all
> the generic ALSA mixer programs. Zillions of cryptically labeled
> controls, yuck. You want to make your card stop "capturing" the mix
> input, and capture the Live Drive line in. I don't have the Live Drive,
> so I capture regular "line". In "gamix", the mixer that has confused me
> slightly less than the others, I have to turn "AC 97 Capture" all the
> way up, "AC 97 Playback" all the way down, find the box that says just
> plain "Capture", set the choice menus in the box to "Line", make sure
> the little box is "on" (dark gray instead of light gray), and adjust the
> volume sliders (still in the Capture box) to somewhere in the middle.
> But I see there is a separate area for dealing with "Line / LiveDrive
> Capture" so to record from there, who knows? Logically you would want to
> turn off the Capture thing I use (light gray in the little square below
> the volume sliders) and enable the LiveDrive Capture (dark gray in both
> little squares above the other volume sliders). Confused? Me too!
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