Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Scala 2.06
From: Michael McGonagle (
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 04:28:30 EEST
Manuel and Brian,
I was looking on line, and there is a GNU Ada compiler. It is called
"GNAT". The docs say something about it being a translator, but in the
end, you get a native binary.
Does Scala depend on any external libraries? Would these be available on
OS X???
Brian Redfern wrote:
> I guess the interesting part would be to make an ada-objectivec binding to
> make a osx gui, or even ada to java, I wonder if there's a java version of
> ada, maybe it could be re-written in java-ada (if it exists, jython is
> python-java, and there's also a java-eiffel binding).
> On Thu, 1 May 2003, Michael McGonagle wrote:
>>Manuel Op de Coul wrote:
>>>Any volunteers for porting Scala to OS X on this list?
>>Manuel, I was going to ask if there was a version available for OSX, I
>>am still using the commandline version.
>>I know there is supposed to be an Ada compiler for OSX, do you know
>>anything about it??
>>I would be interested in helping out, but as I don't know Ada, I would
>>have more to learn first...
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