Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] horgand-0.91
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 00:37:31 EEST
Hi list,
holborn <> wrote:
> Sorry for the spam ...
> News in v0.91
> -------------
Not spam at all! I love those announce mails. Horgand is a nice little
package, and if you continue to work on it, I'm sure a lot of interesting
features will come up in the future.
Two small things I noticed:
1) When moving a slider (e.g. the drawbars) the change only takes place after
releasing the widget. It would be great to hear such changes even more
immediate (while dragging the slider).
2) The note-on's regularly produce a slight click, probably because the
waveform immediately goes from "silence" to "full level". Putting in very
short attack envelope (or the real thing, make the ADSR user-adjustable :-)
might help here.
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