[linux-audio-user] ALSA -> OSS mapping question for Delta 1010LT card

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] ALSA -> OSS mapping question for Delta 1010LT card
From: Akos Maroy (darkeye_AT_tyrell.hu)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 17:25:57 EEST

I have a Delta 1010LT audio card.

I have ALSA version 0.9.4 installed on a RedHat Linux 9.

I want to record multiple, unrelated audio streams that overlap in time
but do not necessarily stop and start at the same time. Imagine radios,
each tuned to a different station, plugged in to each audio input on the
audio card.

I have an existing application, which uses OSS interfaces, which will do
what I want if I can just configure ALSA to create a different emulated
OSS sound device for each input channel on the sound card. (Or, perhaps
for stereo pairs of input channels). So, is there a way to configure
ALSA to do this, and if so, what is it?

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