Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] how to build a studio?
From: Joern Nettingsmeier (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 23:25:30 EEST
Emiliano Grilli wrote:
> Hi guys,
> What do you think about tannoy reveal monitors?
> The price seems good to me... Anyone is using them?
i have a pair of active reveals with a matching sub.
they are quite nice, and in price/performance they beat the shit out of
all the other one i listened to.
of course they are not really high-end, and they sound little held-back
- the mix does not jump out at you, but otoh i find them rather pleasant
to use for prolonged periods. they are precise enough for my needs - my
only grudge is they could be a little nastier in the upper mids, i
suspect they tend to gloss over problems a little.
disclaimer: i have a pretty dead room with a bookshelf in the rear.
might be different in a harder room.
the sub otoh is total crap (way too high x-over point, you can clearly
locate it which i find pretty annoying, and it's not very quick either)
but i only use it to detect subharmonic garbage in my mixes and then
eliminate it :)
imho near-fields never really cut it if you want to know exactly what's
going on below 50 hz...
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