Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping
From: Anahata (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 17:03:50 EEST
On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 08:46:46PM +0700, Khadiyd Idris wrote:
> When I record music (not midi) , I got bass track, drum track, guitar
> track, vocal, vocal 'S', vocal 'O', etc. I think it is necessary to mix
> and edit it in more than 2 track...
Yes. That's mixing, and Ardour is a good tool for that, and handles lots
of tracks no problem.
Mastering is a final stage of processing done to the stereo mix, and
mastering is what was being discussed, and whether Ardour is also good for
that job.
The issue seems to be whether Ardour has the necessary processing
that's needed for what's loosely termed "mastering" - highly tunable EQ
and sophisticated dynamic processing such as multiband compression and
brick-wall limiting.
----By the way, someone suggested earlier that mastering does not require real time processing, which implies that you do not need to monitor the result. That is only true in a limited sense; professional mastering in the wider sense is basically getting a second pair of trained ears to identify and fix problems in the mix.
The FAQ has a section on mastering which puts it all into perspective.
-- Anahata Tel: 01638 720444 Mob: 07976 263827
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