Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 19:39:40 EEST

On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 03:55:31PM +0100, Daniel James wrote:
> > You need to be able to preview in realtime
> I meant there probably isn't a need for hard realtime, ie neglible
> latency. There's always going to be some latency with a preview, if
> you're making a copy of the original audio to mangle, isn't there?

In theory there doesn't have to be any, but in practice the processing
done in master intruduces quite a lot, up to 1/2 a second or so.
> > Ardour doesn't really have the tools you need: very accurate meters
> > and (arguably) linear filters.
> Does Jamin use the meters from the jack meterbridge, or does it have
> it's own?

It has its own, the're peak meters. It should have a set of stereo
phase meters too, but I've not written the code yet.
> It seems in the pro audio world there are specialist tools for
> mastering jobs, so this seperate app approach seems reasonable here.
> However, this could be a historical consequence of the fact that a
> mastering engineer is a different person from the recording engineer.

No, the requirements are actually different, youre prepared to burn a lot
of cycles because its (historically) the only DSP process running and as
you said before the latency doesn't matter, so you can give the limiters a
decent lookahead time and use phase corrected filters (which have a much
higher peak latency).
> Maybe mastering engineers are just ex-recording engineers who prefer
> not to deal directly with musician's egos any more.

maybe ;)

- Steve

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