Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping
From: R Parker (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 20:20:57 EEST
--- Steve Harris <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 05:52:09PM +0100, Daniel
> James wrote:
> > > as jack is very modular you can like the stereo
> outs of ardour
> > > to jamin's inputs and use jack transport to sync
> them.
> >
> > But if I take my audio to a mastering place and
> they only run Windows
> > XP...
> They you have to take a 2-track print anyway.
> If they were running Linux OTOH then they could
> accept either a 2track
> print or a multitrack copy, assuming they had some
> way of getting the
> tracks into jack, might involve an ADAT or ardour
> reading some standard
> format, if such a thing exists.
Or you could use yet another unannounced application
that's being worked on that will perform P2P ardour
file session exchanges and also merge differences from
either side. This application is unavailable for the
moment. It was titled ArdourExchange but we're
thinking that because it's seperate from Ardour and
performs Session Exchange tasks it could be titled
SEX. So, maybe all of us will start having SEX
together. Yowza!
Oh the possibilities,
> - Steve
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