Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Cactus Data Shield copy controlled cd's
From: Rob (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 17:41:30 EEST
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 09:12, Maarten de Boer wrote:
> A collegue of mine just bought the new Radio Head CD, Hail To The Thief.
> As the box says, this CD is "Copy Controlled". Some searching on the web
> revealed that it using so called Cactus Data Shield 200 protected, which
Huh. I bought the US "Limited Edition", it didn't mention "copy controlled"
anywhere on the packaging, I threw it in the drive and immediately ripped it
without trouble using RipperX (without "paranoid" mode or whatever turned on,
Wonderful CD incidentally, the pre-release copy I got months ago must have
been remixed or something before release because the final version really
sparkles. I'd never recommend anyone buy a so-called "copy controlled" CD by
any artist though. They might as well have a sticker on the front that says
"Don't buy me, pirate me instead!" on those discs.
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