Subject: [linux-audio-user] gmorgan-0.02
From: holborn (
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 03:48:16 EEST
News gmorgan-0.02
- Drum "Velocity" Mixer
Is a mixer for correct in a easy way the differences of volumes for each drum
note in differents soundfonts.
- Batch Song Player-Editor
Small attempt to do something like Band in a Box.
Still developing that part... maybe can be usefull and maybe someone can send
me patterns to add. :-)
gmorgan is a .. Rhythm Station, an organ with auto-accompaniment. Uses MIDI
and the ALSA sequencer for play the rhythm patterns. Styles, patterns ,
sounds, and the mixer settings, can be edited and saved.
Program released GNU/GPL version 2.
Tested on Gentoo, debian PIII 933 and PII 300
Take a look at
And please ... if you enjoy this prog and wants to share patterns, send me,
and i will include in future versions, i have a large TODO, and i need some
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