Subject: [linux-audio-user] Measuring latency on my Apple G3
From: Ismael Valladolid Torres (
Date: Mon Jul 21 2003 - 12:58:04 EEST
I am trying latencytest-0.42-png.tar.gz for measuring latency on my
Apple G3 (Debian/Sid PowerPC). Of course I am enabling USE_GENERIC_TIMER
and tuning my hard disk using hdparam before tests. But, results show a
very poor performance. Indeed, any X11 stressing involves a raise of the
latency and lots of dropouts.
I can't blame hardware. Apple hardware is top-class, and this same
machine features under 1,5 ms of latency using CoreAudio on Mac OS X.
So, whether the PowerPC kernel or X11 are not fully optimized, or the
latencytest application is not reliable on non-Intel platforms.
Any ideas?
Sorry for crossposting... ;)
Regards, Ismael
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