Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] New To List
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 23:06:41 EEST
Cubase SX under Wine on Linux with the sound actually being handled
by Alsa? That would be quite an accomplishment! ;-)
Pro Tools isn't possible as thee is no Linux driver to talk to the
hardware. From the links below it looks like no one has tried Cubase SX
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 12:54, Rick Taylor wrote:
> R Parker <> wrote:
> Mark,
> > > On my side I've given up completely, for the
> > > foreseeable future, using Linux
> and
> This has massive potential:
The crossover stuff is pretty interesting, but I have another issue
which is physically it doesn't make sense for me to run everything I use
on the same PC. I have too many cards and too many Windows apps that are
version specific. Since I have to have multiple machine, I have no
issues with one or more of them being Windows.
Once I got my mind into this place the world got easier. I (almost)
don't care what the $$$ cost is. I just want to use the apps that are
best for me, and I'll do it in whatever native environment they were
designed for.
For instance, I do all email on Linux, but I do almost all my multimedia
web browsing in Windows. Why? Because Linux provides natural shields
from all the email virus nonsense that's out there and none of the Linux
distributions provide a plug and play multimedia experience in either
the audio or video domains. (Windows ain't prefect either - I don't get
to play *.ogg files...) ;-)
Anyway, I don't feel that my 'freedom' is being taken away by using a
Windows app, whether it's in Windows or under Wine. It has become a
choice, and I try to use what's best and makes my life easy and
With best regards,
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