Subject: [linux-audio-user] SpiralSynth and midi keyboard
From: Christian Bunge (
Date: Sat Aug 23 2003 - 00:08:53 EEST
I have a problem to connect SpiralSynth to my external midi keyboard.
Maybe someone could help me.
I have edit the Spiralrc file in my home directory:
BufferSize = 512
FragSize = 256
FragCount = -1
Samplerate = 44100
WantMidi = 1
FilterGranularity = 50
Output = /dev/adsp
Midi = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
WantRealtimeOut = 1
KeyMap = zsxdcvgbhnjmq2w3er5t6y7ui9o0p[
Polyphony = 2
/dev/snd/midiC1D0 is my first virtual midiport
then I connect 72:0 to 80:2 (external keyboard) but I can't hear any sound
from Spiralsynth when I play on the keyboard.
Some ideas ?
My system is Suse 8.2
This is my midi setup
64:0 ES1371 ES1371
72:0 Virtual Raw MIDI 1-0 VirMIDI 1-0
73:0 Virtual Raw MIDI 1-1 VirMIDI 1-1
74:0 Virtual Raw MIDI 1-2 VirMIDI 1-2
75:0 Virtual Raw MIDI 1-3 VirMIDI 1-3
80:0 MidiSport 4x4 MidiSport 4x4 Port 0
80:1 MidiSport 4x4 MidiSport 4x4 Port 1
80:2 MidiSport 4x4 MidiSport 4x4 Port 2
80:3 MidiSport 4x4 MidiSport 4x4 Port 3
Thank you very much
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