Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] RE: Invert And Mix
From: Gustavo Zamorano S. (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 08:18:08 EEST
I would like to know if you have tried rezound. With rezound you can
cut parts of a music and do some other kind of editing.
It is at
Len Moskowitz wrote:
> We use a variety of waveforms, including sawtooth and real music with a
> silence leader. Using Windows tools like Cool Edit and WaveLab it's a
> simple task to clip the silence (or anything else for that matter). I
> haven't yet found a Linux tool that makes it quite as easy. Audacity new
> (version 1.2.0-pre1) vertical scale expansion feature is inadequate to
> examine samples down to within 1 amplitude bit of silence (-90 dB for a
> 16-bit sample, or -138 for a 24-bit sample). Know of any Linux tools that
> provide that capability?
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