Subject: blender, was Re: [linux-audio-user] piano keys
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 10:43:09 EEST
Thursday 04 September 2003 23:02 skrev Emiliano Grilli:
> gioved�, 04 settembre 2003 alle 17:27:30, Robert Jonsson ha scritto:
> > > * It was my first blender project
> > > * After that I've never touched blender anymore
> > > * It's ugly ;)
> >
> > Sure blender is ugly, but beauty is only skin deep (tm)
> > ;)
> Ehm.. I mean that *my one and only project* it's ugly!!!
> Sorry but my english is not so good and so sometimes I misunderstand or
> abuse some terms, or I don't get at all the real sense of common
> phrases like "beauty is only skin deep"[1].
Sorry, it was me misunderstanding you.
I'm not a native speaker either if it means anything ;)
> I think blender is one of the shiniest examples of a very good interface,
> and of the power of the community behind it: a real "symbol" of open source
> software (with the literal "liberation" to GPL!!!)
Oh, well. I guess blenders interface is good when you have learned it, but for
a beginner (like myself) it's almost impossibly complex.
But then again, pretty much all interfaces of 3d tools I've seen are like
that. Quite a lot of people here at work use Maya, it's just mind boggling
how you can do anything with it!
> Cheers
> PS: my english is self teached, and most of it came from lurking this ml.
That is quite amazing! :)
I've been taught and used english as a second language pretty much all my
life, I don't think the difference is all that big :-)...
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