Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Running vstserver & ladspavst
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 06:11:38 EEST
Tim Orford wrote:
> i'm not a pd user so i'm probably doing something silly,
> but i just get, eg:
> k_vst~ Freeverb2.dll
> ... couldn't create
> vstserver shows nothing.
> could you maybe post a working pd file?
Copy this into a file named foo.pd:
#N canvas 588 282 450 300 10;
#X msg 56 45 opengui;
#X msg 147 46 closegui;
#X obj 147 120 k_vst~ NorthPole;
#X obj 211 78 adc~;
#X obj 215 160 dac~;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 1 0 2 0;
#X connect 2 1 4 0;
#X connect 2 2 4 1;
#X connect 3 0 2 1;
#X connect 3 1 2 2;
Replace "NorthPole" with the name of whatever plugin you want to try,
leaving off the extension. Then start the vstserver
('~/vstserver-0.2.7/vstserver') in its own window. In another xterm open
Pd. I start it like this:
pd -lib /home/dlphilp/k_vst~/k_vst~ -open
I've placed an image of the outcome on-line here:
Note that I'm using the latest versions of WINE, vstserver, and k_vst~.
I hope that all helps a bit.
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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