Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] decent (abstract ?) sequencer for use with pd ?
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Sun Sep 28 2003 - 15:48:13 EEST
Jan Baumgart hat gesagt: // Jan Baumgart wrote:
> Is there any sequencer out there, that is able to control abstract musical
> paramenters (simply numbers, so to speak :) for synth-systems like pd,
Pd (and jMax) is way more than a synth system. You can do lots of
sequencing stuff in Pd as well. There are some gui elements missing
yet, like a decent pianoroll. If you need that, then jMax might be
worth looking at. But Pd can control itself. More so than I can... ;)
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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