Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] recording delay in Ardour...
From: Taybin Rutkin (
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 04:26:09 EEST
Yes, I would say that is a latency issue. On the other hand, since Ardour is multi-threaded, the GUI degrades gracefully. So it might have started recording even though the record button hasn't popped back.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Trumm <>
Sent: Oct 6, 2003 9:16 PM
Subject: [linux-audio-user] recording delay in Ardour...
hello - I think this is a simple question - right now when I record into
ardour, there's dang near a half second delay before it actually spits it
back out - that delay is reflected in the recording, too - I didn't THINK
this was happening yesterday...
is this a latency thing? I know I haven't maximized my latency, I'm running
the redhat kernel from planet ccrma, not the actual planet ccrma kernel and
when I check to see if low latency is turned on, I find that I don't even
have a low latency patch :)
the weird thing is I SWEAR is wasn't happening yesterday :)
-- -------------- Aaron Trumm NQuit --------------
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