Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] recording delay in Ardour...
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 15:43:53 EEST
Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>> The neat thing (for me anyway) about Reaktor is the on-line user
>> contributed library of about 1500 prebuilt synths that come with, on
>> average, maybe 10 preprogrammed patches. That's a lot of stuff to get on
>> day one. Why isn't something like that happening in the Linux soft synth
>> area? Instead of having so many soft synths, which seems more a focus on
>> writing software, why not more sounds for some existing soft synth,
>> which seems more a focus on making music?
>> I think we Linux soft synth users should try to make that happen.
Reaktor users == thousands
Linux softsynth users == dozens
Umm, maybe it's a numbers thing ??
== dp
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