Re: [linux-audio-user] Re Digital Audio Out on kernel 2.6

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re Digital Audio Out on kernel 2.6
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Thu Oct 09 2003 - 06:18:31 EEST

Q <> wrote:

>Yes but... that seems to add another whole layer of complexity to what
>already seems like a complex state of affairs. How exactly would I pipe

 Hardly... firewire is about as simple as it gets.

>sound from a little onboard soundchip to a firewre port? My onboard

 Does your board?

>sound doesn't have a firewire port... The only option after that is to
>pump the two remaining analoge sound channels to some kind of box, which
>then had firwire connections going... erm.. where exactly? Why wouldn't
>I just pump the two analoge channels directly to my amp? Except that
>would kind of defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to do.

 You can get firewire enabled amps. {Av, surround, etc} There may be a decoder
of some sort.

>I think direct digital decoding is still preferable to any exotic
>solution such as 'network sound' or sound somehow pumped through a
>firewire port to somewhere (although sadly my amp doesn't have a
>firewire port either. It would be cool if it did though) though some
>kind of complex arrangement.

 This would be networked digital. You could even do video with it.

>I am sure a 'conventional' arrangement should be possible. The question
>is, as it was before, how?

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