Subject: Re: Open source... was: Re: [linux-audio-user] recording delay in Ardour...
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 19:05:58 EEST
Robert Jonsson wrote:
>An example that is of particular interest to us free software people is that
>of Buzz. A remarkable piece of free audio software for Windows, though closed
>Anyway, the story has it that the author, for some reason, lost the sources.
>Thus effectively cutting the long term viability of the branch that was
>Buzz still lives on, for now... but imagine if it had been open...
Buzz does indeed live on. You can run it nicely under WINE, but you'll
have the best luck installing this version:
I was unable to run Buzz under WINE until I found and installed that
version. The package from didn't work for me.
Buzz on !
== dp
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