Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Copyrights on samples
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Tue Oct 14 2003 - 03:33:03 EEST
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 17:15, Christian Henz wrote:
> >
> Roland seems to be indeed, this was on Slashdot some days ago:
Absolutely, when it's the use of the digital representation basically
right out of their ROM. That's not cool. That's theft. (And I'm not
saying that is what this project was doing. They may just be getting
pushed around with this legal letter.)
> >
> > it would be analagious to someone re-recording one of your songs and
> > then claiming that they own the copyright on your song.
> >
> Hmm, this analogy doesn't seem right. First of all, the samples in a synth
> are of course meant to be redistributed in some way.
As I said earlier, simply recording the existing samples isn't all that
interesting to me. On the other hand, adding some processing, modifying
the sound, and coming up with something much more original would likely
pass the test, and, as far as I know, if you record the analog version
of the sound you are not bound by digital rights management.
(That said, I'm sure someone here will disagree, so at the outset I'll
just say that's my understanding and is not legal advice.)
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