Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Copyrights on samples
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 12:30:21 EEST
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Michal Seta wrote:
> Anahata wrote:
> > Before someone starts on sampling, my point is that nobody produces a
> > recording of music with the *intention* that it should be sampled and
> > used in something else, unless it's something like a sound effects
> > cellection in which case that intention is quite clear and the copyright
> > statement would be worded accordingly.
great link. i forgot about them. while i don't think negitivland
releases cds with the intention that they should be sampled, they
certainly wouldn't have a problem with it - they'd probably like it. and
there are some great links on that site dealing with fair use, ip, and the
RIAA (which has nothing to do with korg/roland/yamaha/etc).
perhaps sampling the DWGS from my microKORG to create a software
emulator might not be legal (if i sell it or give it away). i'll just
provide instructions on how to create them, then. of course, right now
i'm in korea, and copyright is pretty much ignored here. hrm...
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