[linux-audio-user] BruteFIR with AudioPhile 2496

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] BruteFIR with AudioPhile 2496
From: Benjamin Flaming (lau_AT_solobanjo.com)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 22:58:52 EEST

I'm trying to get BruteFIR operating in realtime on my 2496. Currently, however, it fails with the following output:

ALSA I/O: Could not set audio input parameters for "maudio":
  Failed to set channel count to 2: Invalid argument.
Failed to init input device.
Failed to initialise digital audio interfaces.

I get the same message regardless of whether I use the "maudio" pcm defined in my .asoundrc, or "hw", or "hw:0". I've tried setting channels to 8/0,1 on input, 10/0,1 on output, also with no effect.

My input and output settings for BruteFIR are as follows:

input "left input", "right input" {
        device: "alsa" { param: "maudio"; };
        sample: "S32_LE";
        channels: 2;

output "left output", "right output" {
        device: "alsa" { param: "maudio"; };
        sample: "S32_LE";
        channels: 2;

And my .asoundrc looks like this:

pcm.maudio {
        type hw;
        card 0;
        device 0;

ctl.maudio {
        type hw;
        card 0;

pcm.spdif_cap {
        type plug;
        ttable.0.8 1;
        ttable.1.9 1;
        slave.pcm {
                type hw;
                card 0;
                device 0;

I'm running the 2.6.0-test5 kernel, and therefore using the ALSA version included.

I'd welcome any suggestions :)


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