Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] How to check if I have midi connection?
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Fri Oct 17 2003 - 21:07:05 EEST
You might look at aconnect. I think there is an option to list all the
MIDI devices/interfaces it knows about.
- Mark
On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 10:12, Ketil Thorgersen wrote:
> Sorry about this extremely naive question, but since this is my first time
> trying to get linux to be a DAW I stumble onto some problems of course. And
> my know-how is somewhat limited unfortunately.
> My staudio c-port (envy 24 based 8 channel card analogue + 2 channel digital
> from with built in midi-interface) works as far as audio goes
> now, but I can't seem to get anything out of the midiports even though it
> seems to be properly recognized. Alsa Patch bay gives me a: Rawmidi: 0 -
> Hoontech SoundTrack Audio DSP24 MPU-401 entry at least (actually 2 - one for
> each midi port), but no matter which I choose in rosegarden or any other app,
> I get no signal in the displays. How do I find out if it's working, and how
> do I troubleshoot. If this is well documented somewhere and comprehensible
> for semidummies, I'd be happy to receive a link!
> Best regards
> Ketil
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